The Legendry

A “legendry” is a noun, not an adjective, that is defined as "a body of legends". They are topical collections of stories, like Arthurian legends, or morality tales, or frightening folklore.

Basically, if you can gather enough legends together, even you can have yourself a "legendry".

And I made one for you, in podcast form.

By pulling together classic fairy tales and some relaxing music, The Legendry aims to be exactly what you need after a busy day. It's my answer to all the grown-ups (and kids!) who miss hearing good, old fashioned bedtime stories. A moment each week when you can close your eyes and just listen. A little music, a bit of story, and no interruptions or distractions.

In fact, I'm so committed to that idea that I'm not releasing this as a public podcast. Yes, it's going to take time and energy to make this show. But supporting it with ads would mean breaking the spell, killing the mood, and defeating the purpose. And's ad-free and locked behind a paywall.

Welcome to The Legendry. Classic tales, simply told.

